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Artificial grass installation for only $4.99 / sqft

Do you have real grass? Get your yard done for practically FREE!

Get - $5.00 / sqft SNWA Water Smart Landscape Rebate! Learn more

Includes labor and material.

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+ Free 3D Design Consultation

*Restrictions apply. Does not include removal. Not valid with any other offers. Offer expires 9/30/24.


Turf is taking the nation by storm. So, what exactly is turf? If you aren't well versed, you've come to the right place. Turf grass comes in many forms, and the key is finding which turf is suitable for you. Turf has become increasingly popular amongst homeowners looking for an alternative to the grass that naturally sprouts out of the ground. People are either looking for a manufactured natural turf or artificial turf to replace what they currently have.

We're here to help and break it all down for you.

Natural turf is real grass, just like you have in your backyard. The difference between natural turf and the grass outback is that turf is just simply better. Turf is a higher and bushier quality without the abundance of elements like weeds, gravel, or stones.

The other type is artificial turf. This is great for athletics such as football or soccer fields. This turf is meant to handle all weather conditions and wear. Artificial turf is also ideal for those wanting a lower maintenance lawn without fertilizing, rake, using pesticides, and more. Artificial turf has also become an excellent choice for people in hotter and drier climates who have a hard time growing and maintaining natural grass.

Another demographic who have greatly benefited from this is those in climates prone to drought - we're lookin' at you, California! Artificial turf is a fantastic eco-friendly choice to help eliminate how many times you have to wheel the hose out; it helps when trying to conserve water.

Both types of grasses also come in various sizes and colors to ultimately help you customize how you want your lawn to look.

If you're shopping for artificial turf, we're your guys. We're here to help and guide you with the entire process and take everything step by step. Our professional sales team will help you pick what best suits your needs and make sure the price will fit your budget perfectly.