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Artificial grass installation for only $4.99 / sqft
Do you have real grass? Get your yard done for practically FREE!
Get - $5.00 / sqft SNWA Water Smart Landscape Rebate! Learn more
Includes labor and material.
+ Free Estimate
+ Free 3D Design Consultation
*Restrictions apply. Does not include removal. Not valid with any other offers. Offer expires 9/30/24.
Artificial grass price
Although the price of artificial grass may seem high, in the long haul it can be more cost effective than real grass. The price will vary on the exact type of artificial grass you choose, the size of the space you need it for and the labor cost.
Prices can be as low as $1,300 or as high as $6,000. However, you will save throughout the years by not spending money on the upkeep (grass seed, fertilizer, pesticides, paying for a lawn care company and more). It will also save you time and energy, which may not cost money but can be worth the splurge for those who are busy or just aren’t able to care for their lawn. The bonus is having a beautiful and clean space year round.