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Artificial grass installation for only $4.99 / sqft

Do you have real grass? Get your yard done for practically FREE!

Get - $5.00 / sqft SNWA Water Smart Landscape Rebate! Learn more

Includes labor and material.

+ Free Estimate
+ Free 3D Design Consultation

*Restrictions apply. Does not include removal. Not valid with any other offers. Offer expires 9/30/24.

Artificial Turf

Artificial turf looks great year round and is less hands-on than real grass. If you are on the hunt for a sustainable and eco-friendly option, artificial turf may be for you.

Artificial turf and many sports can go hand in hand. It will provide a hearty terrain that will keep up with cleats and other wear and tear. It also prevents muddy fields (which can turn into a slippery mess). Artificial turf paired with a pad underneath creates an ideal environment for those rough and tumble players.